It’s the Little Things…

With the misery of chronic pain, we often miss noticing how the little things that we enjoy every day can make us feel good. One of the “homework” assignments for Preventing Chronic Pain MOOC was to be a little creative and generate a list of “little things” that make feel good each day and give you more energy. Simply the process of writing down these positive affirmations can be transformational. Remember, the concept of neuroplasticity. You can change the brain and help others at the same time!
Please make a list of the little things that touch each realm of your life every day and make you feel good with more energy. The seven realms of BLESS ME include the following:
Body: The physical and pathophysiologic aspects of the body.
Lifestyle: The behaviors and actions that we do regularly.
Emotions: The personal feelings that we experience daily.
Society: The people that surround us on a regular basis
Spirit: The purpose, beliefs, and passions that drives us.
Mind: The thoughts and attitudes that we experience
Environment: The physical environment that surrounds us that we interact with everyday
Please refer to the Seven Realms chart to remind you of the risk factors, protective factors, and small actions you can take every day in each realm of our lives to feel better with more energy.